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Also known as Evil-tails / Anti-Tails
Hailing from the planet "Meobius" An alternate dimension that appeared in the Archie Sonic Comics, He was the Tails to Scourge's Sonic :U
And is sadly no more thanks to Ken Pender's forcing Archie's hand into rebooting the comics and doing away with pretty much everything that man had touched.
But just because he'll no longer be seen in the comics doesn't mean I have to like it :iconawesomefaceplz:
Anywhozits, thanks to the "Sega Geneses wave" that caused the reboot in-Comic, Tails' age has been changed to 8 so that he matches his in-game coutnerpart
And so I wanted to draw Miles/Anti-Tails as his eight year old self >A> ( which also appeared in the comics <A<) I could see him being extremely displeased with this :U
Hailing from the planet "Meobius" An alternate dimension that appeared in the Archie Sonic Comics, He was the Tails to Scourge's Sonic :U
And is sadly no more thanks to Ken Pender's forcing Archie's hand into rebooting the comics and doing away with pretty much everything that man had touched.
But just because he'll no longer be seen in the comics doesn't mean I have to like it :iconawesomefaceplz:
Anywhozits, thanks to the "Sega Geneses wave" that caused the reboot in-Comic, Tails' age has been changed to 8 so that he matches his in-game coutnerpart
And so I wanted to draw Miles/Anti-Tails as his eight year old self >A> ( which also appeared in the comics <A<) I could see him being extremely displeased with this :U
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